Sunday, November 25, 2012

Religion divides, Spirituality unites!

Religion and Spirituality.

More often than not, we tend to use the terms religion and spirituality interchangeably. Is it the same? Well it can be debated, but one thing is certain. Religion divides and spirituality unites. Let us have a look a look at this short video by Shri. TT Rajan and think.

As rightly said, the basic human traits do not belong to any one religion. In fact religions were created to ensure that the basic human traits are not compromised by anyone.

Let us look into the past. Is it mentioned anywhere in the Holy Bible, Bhagavad Gita or the Quran that you must follow one religion only. Anywhere? I have not read them all, but I am sure they don’t. Is there any religion which does not mention about brotherhood, compassion, love, peace etc. I am sure none.  So who is responsible for the divide? It is we human beings over a period of time have formed this perception that we have to follow a religion by forgetting the basic intention why religions were born. Religion is a just a path, or a route to achieve our ultimate goal in life. So, when we know that the ultimate goal of all religions is the same, why divide ourselves. Why create hatred amongst ourselves? Why do we have to shoot from the shoulder of god in the name of religion? The numerous incidents that have occurred in the past, the riots, etc. has any one person been benefitted, any one! The caste, creed, sects etc. etc. has only divided us further.

In business, we always talk about an ideal “WIN-WIN” situation. May I ask who has won in this division? 

When natural disasters occur, they do not affect one religion or community. After millions of years of Human existence when our creator, the nature, does not know how to divide humans why are we even attempting to do the unfruitful. Think about it. Life is short; don’t spend time in doing something meaningless. Rather, let us all think of the bigger picture of life, let us look at the ultimate goal, let us see how many lives have we impacted. That will unite us. That will unite us since that is when we realize and appreciate the fact that all have a common goal in life.
Please feel free to share your thoughts. We all have faced several such situations, let us all benefit by each other’s existence. Let us all be better than ourselves alone!

Friday, November 23, 2012

What is the source of power? The object of faith or the faith in the object?

What gives you power? An object of faith or faith in the object?
Let’s have a look at a video from Shri. TT Rajan founder of Alma mater and infinitheismand analyse what he says:

Don’t we face this situation every time. We believe that the object of faith is giving us results and not our own faith in the object.

Now let us look back into our daily routine or work life and relate this teaching. How often have you seen that your colleague or your subordinates produce results beyond your own expectations just because you have faith or trust in his ability or merely by telling him that you have trust in his or her ability.   What is this? This is your faith in the object which is your colleague in this case. Your colleague, not discounting his capabilities, is the object of faith. He by himself may not give his best if you do not show faith in him.
Many times we come across situations where we are totally disappointed with our work, feel that this job is not meant for us etc…. But before taking any drastic step, just ask yourself, why were you selected in the first place? Was it because it just happened by chance or was it because the interviewers and the selection panelist had faith in your abilities and believed that you are the right fit for the organization that they selected you ahead of so many others. Answer this question before you decide to move on.

Having faith in the object can do wonders, much better that what the object could have without faith. Let us take another example in the cricket field.  In the finals of ICC Cricket World Cup 2011, an out of form MS Dhoni promoted himself up the order just because he had faith in his own abilities. Well, you may take up instances when this did not work out. Another example in the cricketing field, if you notice, whenever Sachin Tendulkar bats with a no. 11 batsman, not often would you see him taking strike. He will play his natural game, and enforce trust and faith in his batting partner. More often than not, his batting partners don’t disappoint him.

That is power of faith and trust. So, to conclude, let us learn to have faith in an object or person rather than believing that the source of power is the object itself. 

What is your opinion about faith? Have you been benefited? Please feel free to discuss the same.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What is meditation?

So, where were your thoughts? Where are your thoughts? Have you discovered them? How do you discover them? Do you have control over them? Let’s ponder over this...... One tried and tested way to control your thoughts and mind is through meditation!
Let’s have a look at the benefits of meditation – holds true for any form of meditation.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a three step process that leads to a state of consciousness that brings serenity, clarity, and bliss. – Meditation society of America

Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind and/or induces a mode of consciousness to realize some benefit, although it can be argues that meditation is a goal in and of itself. - Wikipedia

Meditation is an approach that anyone can use to help them cope with medical problems, stress, and anxiety by way of thought, contemplation, and reflection. - Project Meditation

Meditation helps an individual overcome these emotions to facilitate a calm peaceful mind and a healthy and stress free body. Upon daily practice an individual will blossom into an unshakable personality. With increase in the number of people who are calm, peaceful and healthy will facilitate a social transformation, enabling a society that is trusting, happy and content.- Art of living

Does any of the above definition speak about meditation as closing your eyes, sitting in padmasana, going to a secluded place. No, certainly not. What you do to achieve peace of mind, makes you forget the environment around you is meditation for you. Doing something you are passionate about. For Sachin Tendulkar, playing cricket may be a form of meditation, for an avid reader, reading might be meditation or for someone else, sitting in a secluded place and not thinking is meditation. It is basically a form of training your mind. That’s all!

There are many schools which talk about meditation for example the art of living, Sahaj marg, shiva yoga, Sudarshan kriya, American school of meditation etc. Different forms of practices to train your mind is taught, but  again, what is the objective – forgetting yourself and your surroundings briefly, and training your mind to do only what you are doing is meditation.

However, I am a believer of the traditional way of meditation as well which is closing the eyes, relaxing, let your thoughts pass by and not let it form impressions in your mind. I have just started practicing Sahaj Marg form of meditation and I can indeed feel the difference. You may feel share to post about your views on meditation, is it a hyped word? ,does it actually have the benefits it claims to have (mentioned below), are there forms of meditations which are radically different from the ones mentioned etc.

Let us have a look at the benefits of meditation (applicable to any form of meditation):

Individual Benefits of Meditation

Social Benefits of Meditation

Bodily Benefits – Lower Blood Pressure, lowers the levels of blood lactate, improves the immune system, increases body vitality, controls insomnia and increases overall health of the body
Violence Free Society – Meditation develops happiness, contentment and calmness. When increasing number of people practice meditation, it has a calming effect on the environment. This is a potent way to achieve a violence free society.
Mental Benefits – Emotional stability, anxiety decreases, anger reduces, happiness increases, intuition develops, clarity and peace of mind, induces ability to focus, reduces tension and fear.
Value Based Society – The effects of meditation include happiness, respect for the environment and others, appreciation of diversity in nature, a strong sense of social values. These qualities an individual level, helps develop a value based social system.
Spiritual Growth – Consciousness evolves, meditation brings harmony in creation, personal transformation, realization of SELF
Trusting, Happy and Content Society – These are the objectives of any society. Meditation empowers a society to achieve these qualities.
Source: Art of living

The social benefits mentioned can be reflected in your workplace as well, violence free society can mean having a peaceful work place, trusting each other at work will only make your work life a lot more relaxed, delegating / authorizing work will not give you sleepless nights.
That was just a very very brief overview, not even the tip of the ice berg on meditation, but basically it was to dwell upon the fact that whatever gives you inner peace is a form of meditation.

In my next blog, I will talk about a few articles published, a short video on religion and more.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thought for the day!

Happiness is not chasing greater net worth – it’s about cultivating a greater self-worth. It’s not about having more money, but about finding more meaning. And it’s not about only being successful but about being truly significant – a person who creates lasting value in the world.

What is spirituality?

Spirituality is the concept of an ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality; an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his/her being; or the "deepest values and meanings by which people live." Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an individual's inner life. Spiritual experiences can include being connected to a larger reality, yielding a more comprehensive self. Spirituality is often experienced as a source of inspiration or orientation in life. It can encompass belief in immaterial realities or experiences of the immanent nature of the world. – Wikipedia    

What is spirituality in business?  

There’s a wide range of important perspectives.  Some believe it’s simply bringing values such as honesty, integrity, and good quality work. Others say it’s treating their co-workers and employees in a responsible, caring way.  For others, it’s participating in spiritual study groups, meditation, or intuitive guidance at work. Whilst others feel it is to make their business socially responsible, environmental impact and how to create a better world.

All the above thoughts have one thing in common i.e. having a selfless attitude towards life, thus gaining happiness and satisfaction by spreading positivity. Can a person with no hidden wrong intentions (again, the word wrong is subjective), and transparent be spiritual???? There is not right or wrong answer, but definitely worth thinking about.

What is the state of the body and the brain when one is in a spiritual state of mind?? Feel free to post your views on this.


  In the Corporate Social and Financial Performance report, Mark Orlitsky of the University of Sydney (Australia) and Sara Rynes of the University of Iowa (USA) reviewed studies over the last 30 years and found a significant relationship between socially responsible business practices and financial performance that varied from “moderate” to “very positive.”

 Business Week magazine reported on recent research by McKinsey and Company in Australia that found productivity improves and turnover is greatly reduced when companies engage in programs that use spiritual techniques for their employees.

You may expect more examples on research done, MIT Sloan research etc. in the next blog post, but the above is definitely indicative of the fact that keeping the spirits high at work positively impacts the returns.

So, what are you waiting for, consciously decide to be happy and see the difference! :) 

To sign off, as promised here is a PJ (Read at your own risk ):

Barack Obama, Live from the White House - "The Best is yet to come".
Birjukumar Bhardwaj, live from Jijamata Udyan Bus stop - "The BEST is yet to come".... :) 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

"Live as if there is no tomorrow. Die as if there was no yesterday." 

Spirituality in work and business – Managing the inner force

When one talks about spirituality, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Religion? Penance? The Himalayas? A person with a long beard sitting on the banks of a river?
No, certainly this is not what spirituality is about.  Spirituality is nothing but a personal inner feeling about life. It is a realization of the larger purpose of life. Following the path of spirituality ensures that you get beyond the trivial aspects of life like ego, materialistic pleasure and lets you breathe free. There are many preachers of spirituality, life, purpose of life etc. But if you dig deeper into their approach, it conveys one meaning - that happiness is the core purpose of life.

In my blog here, I would like to re-emphasize the teachings of different preachers, encourage discussions on work life balance, and share experiences. You can expect tips on meditation, schedules of relevant talks on the subject, and links to websites/ blogs on similar subjects. Through this I am looking forward to engaging with you all and exploring a journey of contentment. 

Source: Economic times.

A recent survey by Cadbury Connect revealed that 66% of the working professionals feel lonely, 77% want to share their highs and lows with someone and 57% are losing touch with emotional side due to over dependence on technology. With the help of this blog, I would want to make an effort to ensure that we are not among the 66%, 77% or 57% of the people. In fact, the next time this survey results are published, we wish to see a decline in these percentages.

Also, due to public demand I will include a humour section with a wide range of PJs. After all, this is to spread happiness. J